The Greatest Gift

As human beings we love to give. And according to neuroscientists the very act of giving releases feel good serotonin. So why during the holiday season do we sometimes feel worn out?
Hit pause for a moment and consider the following:
Fully receive – If someone’s ever given you a compliment and you slough it off saying “it’s nothing – really it’s not that good, someone else could have done it better”. You may have a receiving complex. This in turn leaves you feeling underappreciated because everyone in your inner circle has stopped dolling out the positive feedback. This holiday season graciously receive all that those around you are giving.
Stop keeping score – “Oh my gosh they got me a gift and I didn’t get them anything”. Relax; accept it with grace and a genuine thank you. If you really feel it’s a must, at some point during the year do or give something special to the giver. Life is not linear – sometimes we get from those that we haven’t given to and vice versa.
Be in the moment – Mindfulness is getting a lot of press these days and for good reason. Being in the here and now rather than reflecting on the past or wishing for the future is the key to joy. Fully appreciate where you are right now and all that you have in this moment. Say goodbye to lack (i.e. looking at everything you don’t have) and hello to gratitude (i.e. appreciating what you do have).
Feeling holiday stress is a choice. We all have the personal power to choose and manage our state of being. So when you need to; pause, take a deep breath, find a quiet place to decompress and then go forth once more and have fun! By “giving” to yourself this year those around you will “get” the gift of a positive, joy filled experience. Perhaps the greatest gift of all! Best wishes to you and all of those that touch your life this holiday season. P.S. As is our holiday support tradition we are thrilled to give to the Compassion Society Halton who provides food, clothing, household items and resources for those in need.