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Working together for a better tomorrow

While the dog days of summer are here — and let’s face it, last week’s heatwave really made one feel like dogging it — at the Burlington Chamber of Commerce we take this opportunity to meet with our local politicians.

So why meet with politicians?

We need to work together, to brainstorm and collectively focus our efforts to build a better today and tomorrow not just for Burlington but for our province and our country.

Let’s face it, things are changing fast and we all need to get on the same page, literally, if we are going to be successful.

While there have been many great insights, a common theme has prevailed:

1. The door is always open: At every level of government your local politicians are telling us they welcome your feedback. They want to hear what matters most to you so they can do their best to focus their resources.

If you are experiencing challenges in your business they want to know about it. If they are not the person you need to talk to they are more than happy to guide you to the right party to find your solution.

2. The missing pieces: While we like to think we are in the know, I have realized there are often pieces missing in our mental puzzle. Talking to others, be it politicians or other business people or residents, you begin to realize that your burning issue may not be quite so hot for someone else. Which takes me to my third point.

3. Greater good vs. self-interest: Every level of government (much like business) is struggling with scarce resources; there’s not enough money, time or people to do everything everyone would like to see done.

This means we need to tackle problems differently and recognize that sometimes we need to let go of what is personally most important for ourselves and support what is for the greater good to make a positive impact.

While our Canadian world and life in Burlington are not perfect, we have much to be grateful for.

We are well-positioned for this new economy and have a good foundation on which to build.

We at the Burlington Chamber of Commerce will continue to gather information from the business community and filter and distill that information to create policies and advocate to government.

A cool idea to hang on to on a hot summer day.

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