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Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Comfort and joy isn’t synonymous with the holidays for everyone. There are some, through a series of circumstances, find themselves in poverty, others once a contributing member of society are now homeless, and yet others that appear to have it all yet are struggling.

I must confess I haven’t always been a fan of the Christmas season. When my children were young I felt pulled in too many directions with too much to do and not enough time to do it. I worked feverously to create the “perfect Christmas”. Combing the malls for right gifts, endless cooking and baking, dashing to family and friends for holiday cheer. The problem was it all left me feeling less than cheerful.

I am glad to report that those days are behind me. It’s not that all that much changed – other than my attitude. I have traded in perfection for joy. I spent this weekend baking, not because I “had” to but because I wanted to. I cherish finding meaningful gifts for those I care about but don’t sweat it if I can’t. I am not afraid to postpone seeing family and friends to post Christmas rather than squeeze it all into the holiday season.

When talking to my mom last week she shared a pearl of wisdom with me. She lamented how she has spent much of her life focused on the “to do” list and getting it all done. She recently read that you will never get it all done and the key is to let that go. Life is not about the destination but the journey. Happiness comes from within – and it’s a choice.

As you gather with family and friends over the holidays, may you find comfort and joy and keep it with you all year. As has become tradition, this holiday season I am making a donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters. An organization that mentors youth and creates comfort and joy for children and their families.

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