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It’s all about the Experience

When you think of the holidays do you cringe thinking about all of the things that still need to be crossed off of your to do list or smile thinking about the festivities that lie ahead?

If it’s the former rather than the latter perhaps it is time to re-invent the holidays. Perhaps the rituals you used to enjoy have lost their lustre. Having been through a divorce I have had to re-invent my holiday plans and expectations more than once.

Now that my children are, well no longer children, there are some rituals we have carried forward; like the retro chirping bird ornament (it’s a long story and I won’t bore you with the details) and the holiday crackers with the infamous paper crowns and assorted trinkets. While there are others that I have gracefully let go of; waking up together at the crack of dawn to open presents. If there is one thing I have learned as a parent, it is the power of rituals to form connections and the receptivity to shift and morph rituals to stay connected.

My hope is that in your own way you make meaningful connections this holiday season. You are part of a ritual or rituals that fills your heart with joy. And that those who don’t have enough to give are able to receive in whatever form that takes to give them hope and inspiration.

I am blessed on so many fronts and do what I can to give back. This holiday season I am giving to Big Brothers Big Sisters. An organization that provides hope for youth through mentoring. I am also donating to the Salvation Army so that a family less fortunate will experience a Christmas they hadn’t thought possible.

May the holidays hold the same joy for you that it did when you were a child. May you adopt a child like wonder at the magic of the holidays. And finally, may 2015 be a magical year of peace and prosperity.

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