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Re-wards for 2012

As we say sayonara to 2011 and usher in 2012 its prime time to consider the “3 re’s”; re-focus, re-engage, re-commit. If what you did last year worked for you – great, keep doing more of that. If you want a different result make sure you are not living Einstein’s definition of insanity “doing the same thing and expecting a different result.”

While debating what message to start the New Year with I came across a piece of paper with my chicken scratch entitled the 5 Secrets to Life. Well I can’t recall who passed along these gems to me I can pass them along to you and hope you find as much value in them as I did.

  1. Be true to yourself – the only person you really ever have to answer to is you. Are you living the life you want? If yes move on to number two. If not, consider building a personal compass by identifying your core values and for one month rate yourself daily to see if you are on course. Click on the link for a list of Core Values and rating info.

  2. Leave no regrets – one of my favourite quotes (which is on my e-mail signature) is from Nelson Mandela, “There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Commit deeply to what you love (i.e. passion), dream big and follow through.

  3. Become Love – initially this may sound a little corny. To be clear we are talking about the big L Love – i.e. Love thy neighbour. Bitterness and anger, guilt and jealousy are emotional destroyers that take their toll. If you are resenting someone, the reality is you’re punishing yourself more than you are punishing them.

  4. Live in the moment – Buddhists call this Presence – the art of fully being in the now vs. getting caught up in useless past and future mind chatter. Whatever you are doing, do it fully and completely and find joy in the moment.

  5. Give more than you take – Imagine how the earth (and all of her inhabitants) would benefit if we all had this mind set. Find other’s with a similar mentality, work together and watch miracles unfold.

While resolutions and goals are good without getting to the core of what matters most to you, achieving those goals is likely to feel like a hollow victory. Why not make this your year and live your life accordingly each and every day.

Best wishes for a joyous 2012!

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