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New Frontiers

It’s the end of the world as we know it. Goodbye 2009, hello 2010. 2009 was an interesting year to say the least. From a business perspective the first quarter was brutal. Canadian businesses and consumers put the brakes on big time – thank goodness it was short lived. It seems what is good for GM is no longer good for America.

The Big 3 automakers, once the backbone of the North American economy, were brought to their knees and are still recouping. The US has become a socialist state – “kidding” – however they have initially passed the bill moving them closer to universal healthcare (at long last joining other G8 countries that have been long time supporters). BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) are on the rise and the ones to watch (FYI – 50% of India’s population is under 25).

What does it all mean?

One thing we know for sure, looking solely to the past to predict the future is very risky business. My goal this year is to bring to the forefront future trends. Of course nothing worth doing can be done alone, so I will draw on thought leaders, entrepreneurs, educators and who knows perhaps politicians to gain another perspective and see the world through their eyes. It has been my experience that strong leaders have an innate ability to pull together seemingly unrelated information, see the patterns, draw conclusions and take action. Perhaps some of their magic elixir will rub off on us and we will find that nugget of information we’ve been waiting for to drive our business to the next level.

Here’s to a healthy and wealthy 2010!

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